My Career, Sans Ladder

March 12, 2006

Can all careers have flow?

After reading an article in Fast Company about the Art of Work I got to wondering if all careers had flow-potential. All sorts of people, from athletes to computer hackers have talked about being "in the zone" but can the same be said for marketing analysts, tax advisors, etc...

The answer depends on a few things:
1) Is your job autotelic (defn: the activity is it's own reward).
2) Do you have clear goals and a reasonable expectation of completing the task at hand?
3) Must have the ability to concentrate (and not be distracted), receive regular feedback, and oh yeah - actually possess the skills needed for that particular type of work.

on a somewhat related note - here's Pharell Williams working in the studio...definitely feeling the flow. (ps - anyone know the name of the song??)


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